I'm going to piss a lot of people off with this post.

(So get ready)

You might get mad at me.

You might even hate me.

But for a few of you,

It’ll be the slap in the face you’ve been needing.

You’re probably playing this crypto bull run like an idiot,

Chasing every pump, buying tops, panicking on dips.

Keep playing that way,

And you're gonna end up with $0.

You’ll be left with absolutely nothing.

But that’s 100% your fault, why?

You probably don’t even have the discipline to hit the gym,

Or to stick to a routine,

Or to improve other areas of your life.

Yet somehow you think you’ll have discipline through crypto with that same weak mindset?

Wake the f…k up.

This is your reality check:

If you can’t control yourself,

If you can’t even commit to something as basic as personal discipline,

How do you expect to succeed in the markets?

You will have time to fix it.


#FOMC #BullRun #BitEagleNews