The chart displays the price action of $VITE /USDT on a 1-hour time frame, showing a strong upward momentum with a current price of 0.02488, up by 20.48%. The market recently reached a 24-hour high of 0.02499, indicating a strong bullish trend, supported by a higher volume of 470.96M

$VITE . The price has steadily increased from a 24-hour low of 0.02027, forming higher highs and higher lows, which are classic signs of an uptrend. The candlestick pattern indicates a breakout from a consolidation zone around 0.02344, with a sharp upward push, suggesting further buying interest. Traders should keep an eye on the resistance at 0.02499, while a potential retracement towards support at 0.02344 may offer a re-entry point. The strong volume confirms the bullish momentum, but caution is advised near overbought levels.

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