According to the following data analysis, the end of the year is the peak period?

Recent financial events

One: The US dollar interest rate cut is not a bad thing, but it would be bad if the RMB appreciated too much. The biggest highlight of our economy in the Year of the Rabbit is trade, especially exports. If the RMB appreciates too much, it will not be so friendly to exports

Two: The national team has revealed its heavy positions, which is meaningful. Those who understand have already taken active actions, and only those "experts" with ulterior motives are still inciting the pessimism of retail investors. It is too difficult for retail investors. Whether it is a bull market or a bear market, they are always paying the bill

Three: Don't be pessimistic anymore! Actively look for good targets, prepare to take action or stop cutting losses

Four: The economy is expected to see an unexpected turning point in the fourth quarter. So everyone should be full of confidence. Whether the bull market comes or not, first face it with a positive attitude

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