The most challenging bull market in 24 years, the Monkey King is walking side by side with you.

After four consecutive days of rising, Bitcoin is now fluctuating around 63,000. Ethereum performed strongly and held the 2,500 mark without breaking. The market fluctuated frequently. A small rise tempted retail investors to chase highs, and then fell back. It is recommended to hold positions and wait, and maintain a stable spot strategy.

"Dogecoin" assets in the secondary market are sought after, but have not yet left the bottom area or achieved a breakthrough. Regarding the new currency CAT, if it can be stable around 0.9 for one or two days, you can consider a preliminary layout. Today, new coins generally pulled back, and the primary market focused on the "Dog" series and Vitalik-related hot currencies. Affected by the neiro incident, market sentiment is high. Regarding the listing exchange, whether it is lowercase hamburger or uppercase BN, the target is directly aimed at the mainstream exchange, and the market atmosphere is full of FOMO sentiment.

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