Morning summary (9.21)

1. Continue to firmly bearish. Don’t say I am stubborn. Both ether and bitcoin are in the shape of a mountain top. Yesterday, I thought bitcoin would continue to accumulate strength to take my position, but it didn’t. Ethereum did something and reached my entry position. Now there is also a profit of 50 points. I can reduce my position and continue to hold. Bitcoin is still hovering around the cost price. This makes me more determined to be bearish. If it doesn’t fall back, it will rise without thinking. Isn’t it a lure to go long? Will it go directly to 70,000? Do you think it’s a big girl going to bed? It’s just pulled up like that? Be careful that something is wrong. I also looked around the square yesterday. The bulls are far ahead of the bears. I can only say that everyone should stick to their own ideas!

2. Sol's short position has also been untied and is in floating profit state. Did the people who said yesterday that it would rush to 160 slap their faces? Will it have to go to 160 after breaking 150? If the family members who opened with me, I believe that they did not make money, at least they did not lose money. Sol's long position alone has a profit of more than 700. I also reminded the family members to reduce their positions after the decline yesterday. There is no big movement in the sideways trading over the weekend. Continue to maintain a high-altitude thinking.

3. Let's talk about the price of pie. If the family members want to go short, go to my increase price. The family members who entered the market with ether can continue to reduce their positions and hold. The family members of sol can sell out the floating profit first. I will draw a picture to inform the point later. JTO's long-term 1.85-2.2 has reached the final target profit stop, and won a 19% increase. I want to say that if you don't hold a heavy position and plan your position management well, you can make money. If you place orders unreasonably, the profit of ten orders is not enough to lose one order. Only reasonable positions can make long-term profits, family members! $BTC $ETH $SOL