As long as you have these eleven behaviors, your life will be half ruined:

​​1. Want to speculate in cryptocurrencies

​2. Ask friends to speculate in cryptocurrencies

​3. Full screen exchange

​4. Make money in the bull market

​5. Resign and speculate in cryptocurrencies

​6. Lose money

​7. Borrow money to speculate in cryptocurrencies

​8. Leverage speculation in cryptocurrencies

​9. Sell house to speculate in cryptocurrencies

​10. Rely on fundamentals to speculate in cryptocurrencies

​11. Refuse to admit defeat and continue to speculate

Many leeks have been speculating in cryptocurrencies for many years. They are very confused about whether speculating in cryptocurrencies can make money? The answer is yes, but according to statistical results, very few people can make money by speculating in cryptocurrencies. Therefore, if you stick to any of the above 11 items, you will basically lose. So how can you make money by speculating in cryptocurrencies? If you buy the pie below 50,000, you will probably make money, but at this time, leeks often cut their losses. It is easier said than done!

You can see the harm of speculating in cryptocurrencies! !

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