Friends, don’t rush to exchange all altcoins for BTC!

According to the news, the peak of this round of $BTC bull market is predicted to be between 120,000 and 150,000 US dollars. Even Sun Yuchen plans to leave the market in batches in this range, suggesting that the bull market may turn into a bear market and the market may enter a long-term adjustment.

If the altcoin has fallen by more than 60%, and $BTC has only doubled, the road to recovery will be long.

Considering that the market share of BTC may be close to saturation, the growth momentum is weakened;

The share of altcoins is quietly rising, and the potential is huge.

The wise move is to pay attention to the best in the altcoin sector. No matter what the market trend is, you can seize the most dynamic investment opportunities and let wealth and wisdom dance together!

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