😴 Have you heard of the legendary story of "waking up from a dream, and the wealth is halved"? There was a man who feasted in the bull market feast of the cryptocurrency circle and made a lot of money. He kept a close eye on the market day and night, fearing that he would miss any rising moment. Finally, exhausted, he decided to take a short nap, thinking: "Just a nap, what waves can I make?" However, when he woke up from his dream, the market was in a mess and the account balance shrank by nearly half. At that moment, he was completely awake and vowed to himself: "From now on, I will be isolated from sleep!"

😂 To be honest, who doesn't want to be the superman who stays up all the time and keeps abreast of market trends? But the reality is cruel, and the market never gives extra grace because of your efforts. Investment is more like a marathon that tests endurance, rather than a short 100-meter sprint.

🏃‍♂️ Although the market is good, it also hides mysteries. The world of the cryptocurrency circle is sometimes like a long marathon, not an instant outbreak. Timing is the key to winning or losing. "If you are three steps ahead, you may only have your underpants left; if you are one step ahead, you can return with a full load." The market's reaction is always half a beat slower, and emotions lag behind. Therefore, to seize the opportunity, you need a bit of luck.

😢 I believe that many people have had this experience: when they first entered the market, they followed the wind and rushed to chase the highs as soon as they saw the rise, but they often chased the top of the mountain in the cold wind. Bottom-fishing? It is more likely to be halfway up the mountain, and then watch the assets slide into the abyss step by step, the operation gradually deformed, and the mentality collapsed.

🧠 Later, I realized that the real investment masters are those wise men who can stay calm in the storm and control their own rhythm. They do not blindly follow the trend, but look for a trace of reason in the market's frenzy and capture reasonable entry opportunities in the fluctuations.

💡 Therefore, my advice is: timing is important, but mentality is the magic weapon to win. Stay sober in the market's carnival, and don't let FOMO (fear of missing out) emotions influence your judgment. Set your own goals and bottom line, find your own rhythm, instead of blindly chasing the market's waves.

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