Multiple wallet thefts

Multiple users reported having funds stolen from their wallets connected to the Banana Gun Telegram bot. The reports first surfaced among the platform's community, raising concerns about possible security vulnerabilities. The Banana Gun team responded quickly, acknowledging the situation in a pinned message on its official Telegram channel: "We are investigating the issue and the bot is currently offline" and assured that they are actively dealing with the issue.

About $1.4 million in funds reportedly stolen

A well-known community member named yannickcrypto.eth shared the incident on social platform Although these data are worrying, yannickcrypto.eth also pointed out that it is not clear whether Banana Gun itself was directly hacked, because the number of affected users may not be enough to indicate a large-scale vulnerability in the system.

Banana Gun said after the investigation: "We have confirmed that our backend was not compromised. The routers and databases were thoroughly checked and only a very small number of users (less than 10) were affected. Additionally, the transfer appears to have been performed manually . This leads us to believe that the issue may stem from a front-end vulnerability, so we will keep the bot offline while we investigate the root cause."

Source: Lian News

What is Banana Gun?

Banana Gun is a popular trading bot integrated into Telegram that allows users to conduct on-chain transactions and participate in token sales. This bot is popular due to its easy-to-use experience and efficient functionality in cryptocurrency trading. Banana Gun has facilitated over $6 billion in trading volume to date and has close to 272,000 users, making it one of the top Telegram trading bots in the industry.

This is not the first time Banana Gun has had problems

This isn't the first time Banana Gun has encountered technical difficulties. Back in September, the project faced major drama when it launched its revenue-sharing token, Banana. At that time, due to loopholes in the token contract, the issuance process failed, disappointing users and developers.

The team is currently working to resolve the issue and advises users to avoid connecting wallets to bots until more information is available. It remains to be seen whether this incident will lead to further changes to the platform's security protocols.

[Disclaimer] There are risks in the market, so investment needs to be cautious. This article does not constitute investment advice, and users should consider whether any opinions, views or conclusions contained in this article are appropriate for their particular circumstances. Invest accordingly and do so at your own risk.

  • This article is reprinted with permission from: "Chain News"