The ethbtc exchange rate has finally reversed! Does it indicate that the super bull market will eventually come?

Since the interest rate cut of 50 basis points, it has been prompted to enter the slow bull rhythm!

Bitcoin 52500 prompts to enter the market, and now it is 12000 points!

Ethereum 2150 prompts to enter the market, and now it is 450 points!

In the past bull market, Bitcoin rose by 10000 points, and Ethereum was at least 400-500 points

Now Ethereum's increase is still a bit weak, after all, it is a slow bull rhythm, and the time nodes are different

It's good to rise slowly!

Ethereum continues to maintain its strategy in the chat room

We stabilize the bottom and keep the profits rolling up

Yesterday's last chat room prompted a callback to 2500-2530 to enter the market again

Yesterday's callback to 2516 had several opportunities to enter the market

Entering at 2530 now also has 40 points

Going long 100 times leverage 100 Ethereum

At least 4000u profit

Today continue to charge, observe the stability of 2600! Come to the chat room to continue tracking professional investment research strategy signals📶

Help you turn over and get rich in this bull market!

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