Here are the top winning cryptocurrencies today according to DEXScreener:


Lemonrocks (LEMON)

Gain %: 155,000% in the last 24 hours

Market Cap: $16.8M

Liquidity: $600,000

This new AI-related project has seen a massive surge since its launch and is one of the top winning cryptocurrencies today. However, investors should be careful due to some worrying aspects such as adjustable taxes and no relinquishment of ownership.

Misha (MISHA)

Gain %: 7,730% in the last 24 hours

Market Cap: $5.5M

Liquidity: $700M

A meme coin on the Ethereum network inspired by Vitalik Buterin, with high trading volume but concerns about liquidity and no relinquishment of ownership.


Gain %: 1,870% in the last 24 hours

Market Cap: $1.1M

Liquidity: $100,000

A new meme coin on the Solana network, it is considered highly volatile with limited liquidity, making it a risky investment.

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