Regarding the question of why I often use a breakthrough position to make a big rise in trading, I think everyone can learn it ⚠️

Trading is nothing more than human nature, which is especially applicable to virtual currency trading. Stocks and futures are still affected by fundamentals and policies, but Bitcoin is completely free of any interference from these fundamentals. Whether you admit it or not, there is no difference between Bitcoin today and the tulips in the Netherlands. This is a product of market capital speculation and market sentiment. Of course, it does not mean that it will return to zero like tulips📉

I just want to tell you that in In Bitcoin trading, his trading is more about emotions than anything else. If you want to play it well, you must go against human nature and must grasp human nature💰This is an indisputable fact

The market is the same. After each round of big decline, there will always be retail investors who will sell on a large scale at a price. Similarly, if the dog dealer wants to rise sharply, he must be willing to buy all these chips. If it is just a false rise to deceive people, then he will definitely not pay such a high price to clear these chips. The pressure position actually means this. So what position is the most useful? This requires a certain grasp of the market. Basically, I will tell you clearly in the article‼ ️Why do I dare to say it? The main reason is that this position is smashed by money. If I say it, it will definitely be effective, and no one can avoid it$BTC