ETH has already started its first round of compensatory increases. Whether you followed my suggestions and carried out bargain hunting operations at 2200 points or 2400 points, you should have made some gains by now. However, it is worth noting that this compensatory increase in ETH was not accompanied by a significant increase in trading volume, which implies that the price may undergo a correction in the future. Therefore, it is recommended that investors observe the current positions for one or more days and consider taking profit on half of the long orders to lock in part of the profits.

From a long-term perspective, the trend of ETH is undoubtedly bullish rather than bearish. On the other hand, although the ETH/BTC ratio continues to fall, once the BTCDOM index begins to rebound, this often indicates that the altcoin market will usher in at least a week of recovery. In this context, the next trading strategy should be to actively search for and buy low-performance altcoins on the premise that BTC does not plummet, and adopt a fast-in and fast-out strategy to capture swing profits. When the price of BTC rebounds to around 68,000 points, you can consider switching strategies and perform backhand short selling operations on BTC.