We are currently in a bull market, and the bull market in the next two years is expected to go through three stages.

In the first stage, the price range of Bitcoin is roughly between $30,000 and $70,000. At this stage, most investors may not make a profit, and may even lose money. The main reason is that although Bitcoin continues to rise, other altcoins tend to perform poorly or even fall. During this period, the market showed a violent shock trend, which was actually the process of large investors actively collecting chips. They cleaned the market by pulling up and smashing the market. At the same time, large institutions such as BlackRock and Fidelity are also actively buying, while there are relatively few sellers, which further exacerbates market volatility.

In the second stage, the price of Bitcoin will climb to between $70,000 and $90,000. At this stage, although Bitcoin may not effectively fall below $50,000, the entire market may still experience a correction of about 30%. Similar to the first stage, it is difficult for investors to make profits in this stage, because the decline of Bitcoin often leads to a larger decline of altcoins, causing investors to fall into despair again and sell their stocks. However, this is a good time for the main funds to continue to pick up chips. At the same time, the market will also switch between high and low, that is, the currencies with large gains in the first stage will be sold at high prices, and those that are still hitting new lows will be paid attention to. In the third stage, the price of Bitcoin will jump to between $90,000 and $200,000, which will be the real main rising wave stage. In this stage, most currencies are likely to double or even hundreds of times the increase. The rhythm of the market will no longer be so cruel. Although there will still be sharp drops in the middle, it will show an upward trend overall, and the profit effect of the market will be very significant. This is also the period when investors are most likely to make profits, because the main funds have collected enough chips and can make profits by simply raising prices.