After the shock phase, the shock will follow. After shorting 1,000 points at midnight, the rebound shorting mentioned in the morning did not bring any good results. I made a small profit of 2-300 points and was too lazy to go out. In the end, I decided to wait and see to protect my capital. After waiting for a while, the big cake stretched directly to the 64,000 pressure line and shorted 900 points again. I will not do statistics in the short term. I will control my positions. Both long and short positions have opportunities. #币安上线CATI #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 $BTC $ETH

In the current hourly chart, we can see that the trend of the big cake image has begun to slow down slowly, maintaining a wide range of shocks. The pressure of the 64,000 line above still exists. At present, we are paying attention to the short-term support of 63,200.