If you want to make a small fortune in the cryptocurrency circle and quickly make 1 million yuan, you must have logical thinking

Step 1: Don't focus on making money. As long as you can fully implement your trading system, trading plan, and trading principles, no matter what style you can do, you are already the first and have defeated most people in the market.

Step 2: Losing money in the cryptocurrency circle is multi-dimensional. In the bull market, you must switch between long and short positions, play with high multiples, buy randomly, and live to the death. You must withdraw money when you make money, because you don't know when the initialized 519 will come back.

Step 3: Remove high leverage, remove interval trading, learn to withdraw part of the money you make, and charge it back when the mold runs out. Cherish the big bull market that God has given you. Most people make money not by their own ability, but just get rich passively in this Kondratieff cycle.

Step 4: The first benchmark for bottom-fishing is to eat grass when the bull is at the end. Buy more when the price drops sharply, and buy less when the price drops slightly. However, you must control your position. No matter how deep the retracement is, you cannot have too heavy a single position and leave yourself some room for mistakes.

Step 5: "Speculate on new assets, not old assets". New assets are the biggest outlet in the bull market. As long as you hit the outlet, you will get wealth and benefits. So as long as you invest less and sell earlier, you will make a lot of money.

Step 6: "Leading" effect. Buy the "leading" project that you are used to imitating, so as to develop a lot of habits of buying leaders. Some people buy the so-called "two dragons and three dragons" because they missed the "leading". There is also the risk of stepping on the pit in the package. Generally, the real "leading" projects have a high ceiling, so the mistakes you think are likely to be only halfway up the mountain.

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