Looking back to 2013, Bitcoin was the leader. At that time, it was simply a super meme coin in the crypto world. Its price soared like a rocket, making people dizzy. The concept of value coin was far from emerging.

In a blink of an eye, the bull market in 2017 hit, Ethereum became a shining star on the stage, and the ICO craze swept in. It seemed that as long as you boarded the flight of a major exchange, you could be labeled as a "value coin". However, as time goes by, those former scenic coins have now become the dust of history.

Then in 2020, the DeFi wave surged, NFT, chain games, and metaverse took turns to play, and the entire crypto world seemed to have entered a fantasy zoo party. But upon closer inspection, DeFi is nothing more than a nested financial game. Once the capital chain is broken, a collapse like Luna is inevitable; NFT is just a small stamp in the digital world, which is being hyped up; chain games are more like money games dressed in blockchain clothes, which are dazzling. All of these were once considered the new favorites of value investing.

Now, looking forward to the bull market prospects in 2024, it seems that we have returned to the era when Bitcoin dominated the world. The altcoins are once again swept up by the crazy emotions (FOMO), and the real value is no longer limited to the projects favored by VCs, but is determined by the community. The rise of Meme coins is a vivid portrayal of this trend - they return power to retail investors, so that everyone's voice can be heard and every contribution can be seen. This is the true meaning of decentralization and the dream of Bitcoin at the beginning of its birth. It is not only a profound social experiment, but also full of endless fun and imagination.

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