Today#DODOis in full swing, and the popularity is so high that I, an old leek, can't help but shout "memories"! Back then, we affectionately called it "DODO Chicken". As a veteran who has gone through bull and bear markets, DODO Chicken is indeed good at what it does: the team is reliable, it doesn't rehash old ideas, it only tackles tough problems, and it keeps up with the market trends.

Let's not talk about the profound DEX and rules, but the strategic big picture of DODO Chicken:

Deep foundation: It started in 2020, spanning 16 main networks, with a transaction volume of over 1,700, and it has evolved into a super aggregator DODOX, making cross-chain transactions easy.

Continuous innovation: The Meme tide is rising, and DODO Chicken's one-click coin issuance + Meme platform are two-pronged, playing with heartbeats and trends.

The future is promising: its own chain birdlayer (DODOchain) is ready to go, and it will join hands with cutting-edge technologies such as Arbitrum to transform into a core exchange with great ambition.

Looking at the roadmap of DODO Chicken, every step is on point: Embrace BTCfi and lay out future hot assets. Create Meme Coin trading platform to keep up with the trend. Ecological expansion, cross-chain cooperation, VC support, Korean community, all left out, all-round development. This team is both visionary and down-to-earth. From the start of BSC to the current expansion of the territory, every step is full of wisdom and determination. Especially the layout of BTCfi, it is simply locking in the future gold mine in advance. As for Meme, it is naturally the icing on the cake, which adds a few more points to the potential of DODO Chicken. In short, following DODO Chicken, the spring of our old leeks may really not be far away! #moonbix #DODO助力Meme发行 #特朗普首次使用BTC