Once you enter the currency circle and understand the doorway, you will open a dual acceleration mode of wealth and wisdom! In this ocean full of opportunities and challenges, the real strong does not lie in how dazzling the technology is, but in whether you can stick to those iron-clad market rules:

1. Don't fight with the rise and fall, let the market fly by itself. Some people don't believe that Bitcoin can fly to the sky of 150,000 US dollars, because the bull market has not really blown up. Just like the price of 68,000, you just think it is stable, it will slide to 62,000, and then go to 56,000. Remember, ups and downs are impermanent, let's not guess blindly.

2. Buying and selling is like embroidery, and a long-term flow is true. Every time you operate, just move one or two percent, don't be greedy. Why? Because when the funds are small, every penny is precious. The masters are slowly increasing the code in this way, the cost of trial and error is low, and there are naturally more opportunities.

3. Don't be afraid of the cold at high places, and it's hard to become a rich man if you are afraid of heights. When the main force pulls a coin, the investment is huge, advertising, chips, technology, which one does not burn money? If they don't make several times or dozens of times, how can they let go easily? So, don't be afraid of high prices, opportunities are often hidden in places that others dare not think of.

4. The bull market is the golden key, and it depends on it to turn over. Even the stock god Buffett has to give in in the bear market and honestly guard his US stock base. In the bull market, we must seize the opportunity and make a good fortune.

5. Technical indicators are references, don't let them lead you by the nose. Those things are always hindsight, and they are good only when they rise, and then the daylily is cold. Once the MACD golden cross comes out, it may turn its face the next day, so don't believe it all, you have to have a scale in your heart.

6. Confidence is more expensive than gold, believe that you can make money. Which big guy didn't struggle through losses? But they never gave up their beliefs. If you don't even believe that you can make money, then the God of Wealth will not favor you. So, hold your head high and move forward!

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