Today, #dodo has risen very sharply and is very popular. Everyone is writing about it everywhere. As an old man, seeing this scene seems to bring back memories. We used to call it DODO chicken.

As a product that lasted through this round, DODO Chicken was pretty good and had great successes. However, the team did not restart the project like other projects. On the contrary, they have been responsible to the end and kept up with market innovation. So let’s talk about something different. I will introduce to you what dex is and the specific operating rules without being specific. I will show you the future of Dodo Chicken from a strategic perspective.

1. DODO was established in 2020 and has now expanded to 16 mainnets, with a cumulative transaction volume of more than 1,700. It was later upgraded to DODOX, which is a super aggregator and a cross-chain trading platform.

2. The Meme sector exploded, and DODO launched the multi-chain one-click currency issuance function and the Meme platform.

3. It will also launch its own chain birdlayer (DODOchain) later, which will be transformed into a core exchange on DODOchain and supported by advanced technologies such as Arbitrum, EigenLayer and AltLayer.

It can be seen that from cross-chains and aggregators, as well as the current MEME craze to the later birdlayer (DODOchain), we have found that this is a team that has been working seriously, able to keep up with market trends and developments, and continue to innovate and progress.

It is not difficult to find out from the roadmap announced by Dodo Chicken that next

DODO DEX will further

- Expanded BTCfi assets

- Launched Meme Coin trading platform

Expanding DODO’s ecosystem

- Cooperate with more new Chains to support cross-chain liquidity

- Increase VC support and secondary market position

- Build community in Korea using DODO’s meme brand

It can be seen that a very important piece of information in Dodo Chicken’s roadmap is that they are constantly building themselves while keeping up with market innovation. As a platform that once started with BSC, it has expanded to this day, including subsequent docking of BTCfi assets. , are all matters with a very strategic vision. $BTC assets will definitely have a strong explosion in the future. These are all things that will work in the future.

As for the meme, it goes without saying. Overall, the Dodo Chicken team gives me hope that we can make back our money in my lifetime.

Follow Just DODO it.

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