In what appears to be a significant security breach, several users of the Banana Gun Telegram trading bot have reported their wallets being compromised. The Banana Gun team has responded by taking the bot offline while they investigate the situation, after confirming reports of drained funds. Users are concerned after noticing unauthorized transactions and are awaiting further details from the team.

The crypto community is abuzz with reports of around 467 ETH, valued at approximately $1.1 million, being siphoned from 28 wallets on Ethereum’s main network. The situation was brought to light by Yannickcrypto.eth on X, who warned the community about the exploit. Though the amount stolen is substantial, some believe the bot itself may not be fully compromised, pointing to the relatively small number of affected users. Nonetheless, the team has halted operations temporarily to investigate and address the issue.

Additionally, there are unconfirmed rumors that users connected to the Banana Gun bot on the Solana (SOL) network might also be at risk. While details remain unclear, users have been withdrawing their funds as a precaution. As the investigation unfolds, the community remains on high alert.

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