Is this the charm of Binance listing Heyue?

FIO was listed on Binance Heyue, and it soared by 70% in one breath, which really makes people feel a little exaggerated 😂. This coin was not well known to the public before, but this wave of rise instantly attracted a lot of attention. It is not easy to cause such market turmoil in a short period of time.

FIO launched contract trading, which may provide some support for prices. At the same time, Binance also added trading pairs for its position-by-position leverage, further increasing the trading activity of the market.

From the perspective of community sentiment, the FIO protocol has broken through the barriers between different wallets and provided industry-standard data request and confirmation functions, which is an important innovation in the field of decentralized encrypted payment.

Every time is like scratching a lottery ticket. When you don’t know how to play this one, others have already won!

This unexpected increase makes people have to sigh at the "magic" of Binance's launch.