⚡️ BNB surges to 580, market enthusiasm is high!

⚡️ Bitcoin and Ethereum follow closely, ETF funds are pouring in, seize the opportunity of callback!

SOL profit can be shipped❗️

The market is thriving ———— BNB point latest dynamics

💥 Bitcoin market analysis:

Last night's trend: rebounded after touching the support level near 62600

Current pressure level: around 64500

Current support level: around 61000

💥 Ethereum market analysis:

Follow Bitcoin rebound

Pressure level: around 2540

Support level: around 2380

💥 BNB operation and current analysis:

You can add positions near 554.5

Current situation: close to 580

Pressure level: near 579.5, it may stand on this pressure level after breaking through

Operation suggestion: reduce positions and ship out when above 579

Market capital inflow:

Bitcoin ETF: net inflow of 158 million US dollars

Ethereum ETF: net inflow of 5.2352 million US dollars

Market summary and suggestions:

Market liquidity has decreased, and the harvest has been good in the week

The market is attractive, you need to be greedy and wait patiently for a callback

Selective entry, seize market opportunities

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