The market is still dominated by low-to-long. You can buy more below 63,000 for Bitcoin and continue to buy more near 2,500 for Ethereum!

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What is #DODO :

DODO stands at the forefront of decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges, revolutionizing the way you interact with liquidity. We are your ultimate liquidity partner, providing you with the means to easily create, discover and utilize liquidity.

In an era where financial autonomy and transparency are critical, DODO distinguishes itself by giving users full control over their assets.

Core Principles:

1. Decentralization and Trust: At its core, DODO is built on the principle of decentralization. It operates as a peer-to-peer system that ensures that your assets are always under secure control.

2. Transparency and Security: DODO is built on blockchain technology and provides complete transparency. Our commitment to security is unparalleled, and we strengthen our defenses through rigorous audits and substantial investments. This commitment allows us to accommodate compatibility with most EVM chains.

Liquidity Path:

DODO's innovative Proactive Market Maker (PMM) algorithm is at the core and is available in three different versions: V1, V2, and V3, each of which meets different liquidity needs. Whether you focus on stablecoins, mainstream cryptocurrencies, or introducing new tokens to the market, DODO simplifies the path to liquidity creation.

Our user-oriented toolkit further simplifies the process. Even without any programming expertise, users can easily operate our platform. With just a few clicks, you can complete tasks such as token creation, fundraising, liquidity mining, and more.