The truth about the loss of cryptocurrency trading is revealed through an example: #DODO助力Meme发行 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹

Imagine that you have 1 million assets on hand and decide to invest 700,000 in a digital currency. At first, the market fluctuations seem to be under control:

On the first day, the price of the currency fell slightly by 1%, and you lost 7,000, but you didn't care, believing that the value would eventually return.

Then, on the third day, the decline widened to 3%, and the loss of nearly 20,000 did not shake your confidence.

On the fourth day, the price of the currency rebounded by 2%, recovering some of the losses, and you smiled at the fluctuations with confidence.

However, the cruelty of the market far exceeded expectations:

On the fifth day, the price of the currency plummeted by 20%, and the loss of 140,000 made you feel uneasy and look forward to a rebound.

On the sixth day, although it rebounded by 5%, it was only a short respite.

In the following days, the small increase made you hopeful, but you didn't know that this was just the calm before the storm.

Until the ninth day, the price of the currency plummeted by 30%, your faith began to waver, and self-doubt quietly grew.

On the tenth day, the price fell by another 10%, and anger and unwillingness surged in my heart.

On the eleventh day, the price of the currency was flat, and you searched online, pinning your hopes on the "bottoming out" theory, firmly believing that a rebound was imminent.

However, a week later, the price of the currency not only did not rise, but fell by 20%, and you began to numb, just hoping to get your money back and then withdraw.

Unfortunately, the price of the currency continued to decline, and at this time, the word "stop loss" suddenly came into view, and you fell into pain and struggle.

Just at this time, a friend sent a good news that the new currency soared by 200%, and shared the "leading tactics". You were moved and really believed it, so you cut your losses and left the market, and moved to a new battlefield, dreaming of returning again after getting your money back.

At this point, the root cause of the loss of currency speculation has become clear: blind self-confidence, lack of risk management, susceptibility to external influences, and unrealistic fantasies and greed. Does this story also alert you?