Elon Musk, the world's richest man, has made a bold statement about the future of the United States. Musk believes that if Donald Trump is not re-elected as president, America risks becoming a totalitarian state. The tech mogul stressed that Trump must win the upcoming election to prevent such a scenario.

These comments are in line with concerns raised by political commentators who fear that the United States is on a path toward authoritarian rule. The first step in this process, they warn, involves empowering bureaucracies, followed by censorship of free speech and dissent. The final step, they claim, is disarming the entire population. Musk has echoed these concerns, believing that Trump is the only candidate who can effectively counter this agenda.

Trump is seen as America's salvation

Elon Musk has expressed his belief that Donald Trump could be the moral and economic savior America needs. He has warned that the country is on the brink of collapse due to rising illegal immigration, moral decay, violence, homelessness and racial tensions. Musk has portrayed Trump, who is running against Kamala Harris, as the only candidate who can restore stability.

Musk has specifically criticized the Democratic Party’s immigration policies, accusing them of threatening democracy. He argues that Democrats are strategically bringing in large numbers of immigrants to tilt the political balance in their favor. Musk claims that by 2030, the US census will count everyone, regardless of nationality, potentially giving Democrats more than 15 seats in the House of Representatives. He argues that this change will create a permanent Democratic majority and ensure victory in future elections.

Musk added that even a small percentage of the immigrant population gaining legal status could significantly shift swing states and give Democrats an advantage in future elections.

Concerns about California and national policies

Musk also expressed concern about the state of California, which he sees as a warning to the rest of the country. He warned that if Kamala Harris becomes president, the country will go the way of California, but with worse consequences. According to Musk, Harris’ policies will lead to the legalization of more immigrants, leading to a permanent one-party system that is increasingly socialist and repressive.

Additionally, Musk believes that the regulatory landscape in the United States has evolved significantly, hindering progress in many industries, including space exploration. He argues that regulatory reform is necessary for any meaningful progress, especially when it comes to reaching Mars, a long-term goal of his company, SpaceX.

Trump campaign targets key districts

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is currently campaigning in Uniondale, Long Island. The district is considered crucial for Republicans because it could help them retain control of the House of Representatives. Trump has claimed that he could even win New York, a Democratic stronghold, despite the city's reputation as one of the safest large cities in the world.

The US presidential election is set for November 5. Incumbent President Joe Biden was initially expected to represent the Democratic Party. However, after a poor debate performance with Trump in June, Biden withdrew from the race. Kamala Harris, the current vice president, was confirmed as the Democratic nominee in August, with Biden supporting her candidacy.

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