SUI coin price has doubled since the bottom! Institutional report: Sui is the strongest competitor of Solana!

The price of Layer 1 public chain Sui has been very strong recently. Since the low point on August 5, the increase has exceeded 200% in 46 days, which can be said to be the best performance among the top 50 currencies in market value.

Yesterday, the research institution K33 Research released a report, which predicted that Sui will soon become the strongest challenger of Solana.

Sui is technically qualified to challenge Solana. In terms of TPS (Transaction Per Second. The number of transactions that can be processed per second in the blockchain system), Sui's theoretical maximum is 297,000 transactions per second, while Solana's theoretical maximum is 65,000 transactions per second.

Sui is technically qualified to challenge Solana, with a theoretical maximum of 297,000 transactions per second (TPS) versus Solana’s 65,000.

But aren’t there any obstacles in Sui’s way? David Zimmerman points to token supply as Sui’s biggest problem, even though the people at the Sui Foundation see it as a positive.

He points out that Sui was launched in May 2023, when low circulation/high FDV tokens were common. Currently, only 27% of Sui’s total token supply is in circulation, and current investors may face the risk of a large sell-off when tokens are unlocked in the future. In contrast, 80% of Solana’s total token supply is currently in circulation.

While Sui has a chance to beat Solana in the so-called Layer1 war, Ethereum won’t be in danger anytime soon. Although the market still regards other Layer1 as Ethereum killers, David Zimmerman said that after the Ethereum spot ETF was listed in the United States, Ethereum is no longer comparable to other Shansai coins.

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