For SOL long orders below the cost price of 141, if half of the profit has been taken in the 149-152 range, you can add 1/2 of the existing position when it falls back to 151-147.25, and set the stop loss at 141.25.

Continue to hold, the target is 157-159, and then take 2/3 of the profit.

You can add more positions after falling back 2-4 points, and the target is 163-164.

If there are long orders, you can try short orders in the 154-157 range, and the position is controlled at 5%. In the 157-164 range, you can add 2 more 3%.

157 is a key position, a key node leading to 182-206, which is not easy to maintain.

From 126.95 to here, it rose by more than 30 points at one time, and it needs to fall back 11-17 points before it can continue to rebound.

If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, please follow the public account: Encrypted Summer Tree

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