📈Cryptocurrency owner statistics around the world show that women are increasingly interested in the sector. According to research, the number of women in this field has grown to 37%, meaning there are now over 118 million crypto investors worldwide.

📊Binance has a higher number of female employees than the tech industry average.

🤵‍♀️Yi He, Co-founder and CMO of Binance

👩‍💼Helen Hai, EVP of Binance and Head of Binance Charity

🤵‍♀️Frida Vargas, CEO of Binance Mexico

💃Women in the tech industry are playing an important and growing role. Despite the fact that historically this field has been dominated by men, more and more women are choosing a career in tech and achieving significant success.

👩‍💼Some of the benefits women bring to IT include:

Diversity of thought: Women often bring new perspectives and approaches to problem solving, which drives innovation.

👩‍🚀Improved teamwork: Research shows that diverse teams perform better and make better decisions.

Role models: Successful women in IT become inspirations.