Insights on Bitcoin's afternoon market on Friday, September 20

As the market continues to rise, Bitcoin's new highs are constantly being refreshed. In the afternoon, it even reached the 64,100 line. Since yesterday's U-turn, it has continued to follow the trend and make money. In the morning, it also gave 62,500-62,300 to go long on the big cake. After a round of decline to the 62,600 area in the morning, it slowly rose, and the overall increase was 1,400 iodine again. At present, it has given a small retracement again, but the overall structure is more bullish, so the operation can continue to maintain a low-multiple thinking!

The daily structure is still very strong. At present, the K line has been 4 consecutive positive upwards. The currency price opens the Bollinger band and opens upward. The moving average is expected to show a dragon raising its head, and the 64,000 mark has been broken. The market continues to explore, so it can be seen that the bullish sentiment still exists, so don't guess the top and go short at present. It is the kingly way to participate in the trend. The 4-hour chart still shows an obvious upward trend. Although there are some corrections in the trend, it is eventually pulled back by the bulls and continues to rise, so just keep looking up!

On Friday afternoon, it is recommended to buy Bitcoin at 63300-63000, and the target is 64500-65000.

On Friday afternoon, it is recommended to buy Ethereum at 2540-2520, and the target is 2630-2700.

Those who do not plan for the overall situation are not qualified to plan for a specific area. The market is unpredictable. Be determined, observe the situation, plan carefully before taking action, do not be confused in your heart, do not be trapped in your emotions, and plan in the tent, so that you can win thousands of miles away. #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 $BTC $ETH $BNB