Just in: Solayer Labs has raised new capital to develop the Solana restaking protocol.

In the past, the Ethereum blockchain introduced EigenLayer, an Ethereum restaking protocol focusing on exogenous AVSs such as cross-chain bridges and oracles. Meanwhile, Solayer will enable the restaking of SOL with a primary focus on endogenous AVSs, such as Solana on-chain dApps. In the upcoming months, Solayer will also develop general asset restaking and exogenous AVS.

Here is Solayer's progress since their launch, based on their blog:

$190M in TVL~100k+ unique deposit addressesMainnet launch with four endo AVSs:Restaking vaultNative staking/unstakingMEV-boostsSOL unfreeze to kickstart liquidity interfaceEndo AVS mainnet

#SolayerLabs #SolanaRestaking #CryptoInnovation #BlockchainProgress #DeFiRevolution