PANews reported on September 20 that according to Jinshi, Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda said in his speech that the Japanese economy is in a stage of moderate recovery, although there are some signs of weakness. Kazuo Ueda stressed that the outlook for the economy and prices will determine the intensity of future adjustments to monetary easing policies, and pointed out that real interest rates are still at very low levels. He also mentioned that inflation risks have weakened and the upward price pressure from foreign exchange market fluctuations has decreased, so monetary policy decisions will take some time. At the same time, he said that it is necessary to pay close attention to whether the US economy can achieve a soft landing or face more severe adjustments. Recent data show that economic development is in line with expectations, which may be able to raise expectations for underlying inflation, but overseas trends have brought uncertainty. If economic development meets our expectations, our idea of ​​continuing to raise interest rates has not changed.