Yiming's Trading Diary

All contents in this article are personal opinions and are for learning and communication purposes only. They are not used as a basis for investment. If you act based on them, you will bear the risks at your own risk.

After the Federal Reserve announced a 50 basis point interest rate cut, the market exploded as if it had been injected with chicken blood. Those who had previously discussed the bear market and waited for new lows disappeared, and all turned to join the bull market. I would like to remind you not to be carried away by the market. Although the bullish trend is established now, don't blindly chase highs, especially contracts.

What everyone is most worried about right now is: Will the strong rise miss the opportunity?

I am very sure that there is no such thing as missing an opportunity. There is no shortage of opportunities in the trading market, only capital. The current rise is the fifth wave of the monthly line. From the position point of view, it is now in the early stage of this trend. For example, it is certain that this trend will hit a new high this year, that is, 4100 is bound to be reached. Now it is still around 2450, and there is a lot of room above.

It is not recommended to chase the rise directly because it is uncertain where the market will start to pull back. When the signal is uncertain, blindly entering the market is risky. If there is no new high today, the pullback can refer to the support level below the four-hour level: BTC at 61850, ETH at 2398. The best time to ambush is after the market falls back to this position and stabilizes. If there is no pullback to this point, a new high needs to be redefined.

Message: Arrogance comes from wealth, and disaster comes from negligence.