Most people in this world are busy poor people. They are very busy and work very hard. They constantly adjust their work and rest schedules, constantly take exams, constantly spend money on studying, and constantly have a long-term love relationship with someone. However, the vast majority of them have no hope of changing their destiny. They and their descendants will stay in the lower and middle classes of society for generations to come.

And the amazing thing is that they actually think there is nothing wrong with their values.

This is a very funny thing.

If you look at the lives of most people, you will know how cruel this world is.

Who are the coupons from Taobao sent to? Most people can study the tricks of Double 11 half a month in advance to save 1,000 yuan. They didn’t work so hard when they took the college entrance examination. No matter how many red envelopes you collect during the Chinese New Year, you can only get a few dozen yuan at most. They can spend several hours every day to collect and exchange cards with friends.

A hopeless bunch.

They would rather waste 10 years on a job with no future, and they call it hard work. But they are not willing to spend 10 minutes to think about what they really want, what future this job has, and what is the meaning of such hard work?

They would rather spend 10 years with the wrong person than spend 10 minutes thinking about whether they are suitable for each other. What is the result of being together for a lifetime?

For all the serious, important, fateful choices, they only need 5 minutes to make a major life decision, and then spend their whole life paying for their 5 minutes. They are not willing to spend more time to think about what they want.

I suddenly remembered an advertising slogan - 5 minutes of charging, 2 hours of talk time. They think for 5 minutes and make mistakes for a lifetime.

Meituan’s boss Wang Xing once said that most people can do anything to avoid thinking.

Thinking is an extremely painful thing for most people. Even if thinking does not cost money, they are unwilling to bear this pain. They would rather waste their lives on dead-end jobs and relationships than admit that they are wrong.

So they can only be penniless forever.

And they will tell you that money is not important. They will tell you that career is not important. They will tell you that they have something they love. They have their own set of logically self-consistent rhetoric - this set of rhetoric only belongs to the middle and lower classes of society, not to the upper class of society.

You don't need to brainwash them - they automatically buy into the rhetoric that will keep them poor for life.

They are born without money.

They were born to be poor.

They will tell you that I have love. They will tell you that I am happy. They will tell you that I have people who love me and people I love. They will tell you that I have things I am passionate about. They will keep telling you that you are too extreme. They will keep escaping, retreating, and then being complacent and self-righteous.

They had no choice.

The choice without choice was never a choice at all – it’s just that they internalized the rationality.

They are a group of people who lack ability, resources, and perseverance to change their destiny. They are the footnotes of this world. No history book or industry history has their names. History does not belong to them. They are cannon fodder.



