#BTC 9/20 Analysis of intraday thinking:

Market review:

After the opening of the big cake yesterday, it had a short correction from 61700 to 61200 and then began to rise. It fluctuated during the day and then began to pull up. After the US market, it pulled to around 63800 and then began to fall under pressure until the early morning. Yesterday, the group gave many orders at 62550. It was a pity that I didn’t enter the market because of the difference of dozens of points. The second cake gave more than 2440-50. At present, it is a profit of 100 points. The thinking is still very clear.

At present, it seems that the big cake will still be affected by the interest rate cut in the short term. After opening this morning, the lowest price of 62600 directly rose to 64100, with a space of nearly 1500 points. It is currently fluctuating around 63800. In terms of the day, the white market will still fluctuate in a small range. At present, the support line of 63000-63200 is concerned below. Relying on this position, it is bullish. The important support below is 62500. Pay attention to the resistance of 64500 and 65200 above.

Big cake recommends retreating to 63400-63500 to arrange long orders, with a target of 64500-65000 and a defense of 500 points.

Second cake recommends retreating to 2510-20 to arrange long orders, with a target of 2600 and a defense of 40 points. $BTC $ETH #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?