9.20 Friday Bitcoin Operation Ideas

Yesterday, the long idea was given, the target of 63500 has been reached, the highest point is 63800, and the daily line has been positive. According to the current bullish momentum, 63800 is not the highest point, but a stress test before the high. Today's main idea is still bullish

From the 4-hour structure, the currency price is running near the upper track of the Bollinger Bands, and there are signs of continued upward continuation. At the same time, the lows are constantly rising, which shows that the overall market maintains an upward trend. The KDJ and MACD indicators are currently in the bullish resonance stage, and all indicators show a bullish trend.

Operational suggestions

Directly long near 63000, target 65000

Break 66000 and defend 62000#加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #BTC☀ #BTC突破7万大关