(Market analysis on 24.09.20)

Today's outlook and direction

Worth millions of U

BTC: 61800--63300

ETH: 2420--2480

Bitcoin rebounded from 52500 on September 7 to now, which lasted 13 days and increased by more than 10,000 dollars. It is currently in an important position for long and short competition----62855. The interest rate meeting originally scheduled for today was postponed. Without the influence of new major events, it is expected to consolidate around this area for 2-3 days.

Ethereum continues its weakness and sluggishness, but from the big trend, ETH has successfully stopped falling and bottomed out. Standing at 2460 will start a sharp rise trend. The first pressure level is 2577 and the second pressure level is 2760. As mentioned before, ETH owes the market a big positive line and is expected to be realized in the near future!

This week, there is a chance for the storytelling copycats to explode, "the big pie is flat and everything grows"!

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