On May 24, I took 700u, and earned 20,000u in about 4 days, about 146,000. From the results, I should have exceeded your expectations. It doubled about 30 times in 4 days. 100,000 may be a lot for you, so you can't make 100,000, and you will leave after making 20,000 at most. This is the result. If you can make 100,000 quickly, then he will definitely not be able to meet 100,000, or even 1 million. This is a refutation in itself.

DODO is very good recently, you can learn about it

DODO's product functions

• Multi-chain one-click coin issuance function: It is convenient for users to quickly create their own tokens, reducing the technical threshold and cost of coin issuance.

• Anchor pool: It can help assets achieve price stability and provide users with a more reliable trading environment.

• Autonomous mining: Allow users to obtain income by participating in the platform's mining activities, increase user participation and

• For investors, they can discover new projects and investment opportunities on DODO, participate in mining to obtain income, and use the platform's multi-chain characteristics to perform cross-chain asset allocation.

Meme sector and traffic growth

The outbreak of the Meme sector may bring a surge in traffic to DODO. DODO's multi-chain one-click coin issuance function and the upcoming Meme platform can attract more Meme project parties and investors. Project parties can quickly launch their own Meme tokens with the help of DODO's convenient coin issuance function, while investors can more conveniently participate in the trading and investment of Meme coins on the platform.

Support for BTCFi assets and Meme coins

• For BTCFi assets, DODO's anchor pool can help stabilize its price and make it more reliable during the transaction process. At the same time, the one-click coin issuance function can also provide a tool for BTCFi-related projects to start quickly.

Comparison with other DEXs

DODO's lower market value and the support of top institutions may indeed bring greater imagination to the market. A lower market value means greater growth potential, while the support of top institutions can bring more resources and trust to the platform. Compared with other DEXs, DODO's product features and unique use cases can also make it stand out in the market competition. DODO's product features and unique use cases provide multiple values ​​to users and project parties.
