Where are there so many black swans?

What a precious and rare animal?

Follow the trend, do the fundamentals, and pursue the stability of the general direction

I have reminded you many times before that the slow bull market has started

The callback is the time to get on board

The slow bull market means that many coins have doubled several times before you notice

BTC is 800 million, and you are still watching

For the long-term of the slow bull market, you can get on board at any time now

It depends on your own definition and your own capital position management

Are you chasing short-term interests or medium- and long-term interests

Position your own direction and then allocate funds

Do what you should do

Do what you love to do

Follow my posts and you are already at 52500 Buy at the bottom

See you at the top

Friends on the road, remember to follow me

Let's spend the long bull market together

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