
Blockchain technology has long been considered to have the potential to open up new application scenarios, and Tapos truly demonstrates this potential in the gaming field.

Tapos inherits the innovative concept of CryptoKitties and is expected to be the next step in the development of blockchain games, greatly simplifying the process for developers to create immersive gaming experiences. All of these achievements are supported by Aptos, which provides Tapos with unique features such as social login and on-chain randomness.

A landmark release

Tapos’ first game launch on May 23 attracted widespread attention, with users participating in the interaction through “tickles”. Each “tickle” generates a transaction on the Aptos network (one “tickle” = one transaction). This activity enabled Aptos to set a new transaction record in four days, with a total transaction volume of approximately 325 million transactions, a transaction rate of more than 2,200 transactions per second for more than 24 hours, and a peak of 5,000 transactions per second, while the average gas fee was only 0.000008 APT.

TaposCat 2: A new chapter

Building on the success of the first game, Tapos launched its second game in August, adding new features such as Super Cat Mode, Mystery Box, Bonus Chests, and Social Missions to further engage players. In this game, every cat action generates a transaction, and players can now complete cat missions, adding more depth to the game. Tapos' second game continues to refresh on-chain data, setting a record of 533 million transactions in just three days, attracting more than 20,000 on-chain users, and the network reaching 12,000 transactions per second at its peak, with an average gas fee of 0.00008 APT. During the peak of the game, the Aptos network recorded more than 326 million transactions in 24 hours, while maintaining an average transaction rate of 5,000 transactions per second, further demonstrating the scalability of Aptos.


Why did Tapos choose the Aptos ecosystem?

Tapos chose the Aptos ecosystem not only because of Aptos' cutting-edge technology, but also because of its vibrant community's support for Tapos. The strong support of Aptos Labs was also an important factor in Tapos' decision to deploy on Aptos. As the Tapos team emphasized, the Aptos Labs team is very professional and has performed well so far, which makes Aptos an ideal platform for the Tapos team's on-chain gaming innovation.


The future of blockchain gaming

Tapos is not just a blockchain game, it is the first game that runs entirely on a blockchain. With Aptos’ advanced capabilities, Tapos is able to easily process millions of transactions and attract tens of thousands of users, proving that blockchain technology can realize the grand vision first demonstrated in games such as CryptoKitties.

As the first game to run entirely on-chain, Tapos represents a new era of blockchain gaming, demonstrating its efficiency and scalability. Tapos's two successes prove that Aptos is ready to welcome billions of users and become the preferred blockchain platform in the future gaming field. Breaking the record for the number of transactions and TPS in just three days, Tapos is opening up new possibilities for the future potential of blockchain gaming.