PANews, September 20: ZachXBT reveals Greavys (Malone Lam), Wiz (Veer Chetal), and Box (Jeandiel Serrano) stole $2.43 billion from Genesis creditor. 😱

- Attackers pose as Google and Gemini customer service to obtain personal information.

- 4,064 BTC was converted between BTC, LTC, ETH, and XMR on more than 15 exchanges.

- Millions of dollars were frozen and multiple arrests were made with the help of ZachXBT.

The US Department of Justice has charged Malone Lam, 20, and Jeandiel Serrano, 21, with crypto theft and money laundering. The duo used 4,100 BTC for luxury spending. 🚔

Bitcoin has a bright future! 🌟