6 Images of Bitcoin's Impact on Latin America's Poorest Country

Haiti faces a constant crisis; however, a project based on bitcoin seeks to transform its economy and offer hope.

A Bitcoin citadel begins to form in Haiti.

Amid poverty and violence, bitcoin emerges as an ally in the fight for a better Haiti.

The Yes, Bitcoin Haiti project is creating a new citadel.

The population of Haiti is mired in the adversities of a permanent crisis. In some way all residents of the poorest country in Latin America are marked by the constant challenges that combine poverty, violence and political instability. However, in the midst of uncertainty, bitcoin (BTC) is emerging as an ally, proving that it can drive the transformation

that many dream of.

And, of course, there are dreams in Haiti, where the majority live in conditions of extreme poverty, meaning that many families cannot afford nutritious food. Daily livelihood is often based on informal and subsistence work, such as selling small products on the street or working in agricultural activities if they have access to land. However, leaving home means being constantly on alert due to the gang violence that controls much of the urban areas. The possibility of being victims of robbery, kidnapping or direct violence is a daily reality.

So life in Haiti is like staying on a battlefield, where food is scarce, as well as basic services, including drinking water and electricity, which complicates daily life and affects health, especially for children.

Additionally, Haiti is vulnerable to natural disasters, as the country is located in the path of Atlantic hurricanes, so it has been the victim of the worst consequences of these natural disasters.