After Bitcoin rose, the altcoins rose, and after the altcoins rose, Bitcoin rose again📈

Tonight, altcoins collectively rose, and dozens of small altcoins soared by 20%+📈‼ ​​️

Bitcoin hit 64,000, and the altcoins soared. The longs who couldn't get on the train could only open shorts in batches at high positions. It is still cost-effective to open shorts in batches above 63,500‼ ️

The current situation is that the altcoins did not follow the rise of Bitcoin, and basically the short-term rebound came to an end, and it was time to take a short-term opportunity, or if you want to take more, you can only take more after the decline💰📈📉#加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 $BTC