Ethereum market analysis in the early morning of September 20:

Based on the current market dynamics of Ethereum, we focus on the following key price points:

- In the short term (1-4 hours), we will closely observe the two price levels of 2415 and 2360. If the price retreats to these levels but does not fall below, the bullish trend will still dominate, and the market is expected to show a pattern of oscillating upward. On the contrary, if the 2360 price level is broken, the market may usher in a correction and tend to be short-term.

- The price fluctuation reference range is within plus or minus 5 points.

- The support level is set at around 2427, 2385 and 2360.

- The pressure level focuses on 2470, 2487 (focus on this area), and around 2510.

In view of possible rapid market fluctuations, the following pin reference prices are worth paying attention to:

- Pressure level focus: 2505-2515, 2615-2620 range.

- Support levels to watch: 2340-2350, 2260-2265.

Investors should pay close attention to these key price levels when trading to make more accurate market judgments. #美联储宣布降息50个基点