Oxchange offers a comprehensive set of features designed to provide users with a seamless and efficient trading experience.

Automated Market Making (AMM):Oxchange employs an AMM model, which utilizes algorithms to automatically match buyers and sellers in real-time, providing users with instant access to the best possible trading prices. Liquidity Pools: Users can contribute liquidity to pools, which helps to maintain the stability of the platform and provide better exchange rates for all users.

Staking Rewards:Oxchange incentivizes user engagement by offering staking rewards to users who provide liquidity to the platform. This helps to create a self-sustaining ecosystem and increase network effects. Low fees: Oxchange charges low fees, which helps to make trading more accessible to a wider range of users and improve overall user experience.

Scalability and Performance:Oxchange leverages the Ethereum network's robust infrastructure and advanced scaling solutions, such as sharding, to ensure fast and secure transactions. This helps to minimize the risk of losses and ensure a seamless user experience.

Token Details

Name OxChange

Symbol OC

Total Supply 21,000,000 OC

Contract Address 0x6eA4BaBF46AfC7895ee20594b86fDcF74526c3ec

Blockchain Polygon Mainnet


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