Evening market…

Important data is released, the number of unemployment benefits is lower than expected, the data is positive, and Bitcoin has strongly broken through 63,000 points📈‼ ️

Bitcoin rebounded from 525 to 630, a rebound of 11,000 points‼ ️💰Chasing high at this time? NO! We choose to open short at high levels. The Federal Reserve released positive news last night and tonight, but strategically, high levels should not be chased😂‼ ️

We will choose to open short orders gradually above 63,000. The cost-effectiveness is not much higher than chasing at this price. Chasing up and killing down depends on whether the position is good‼ ️

Including our view that the large cycle at the technical level does not have a unilateral upward trend, so we can only go short at high levels. It would be best if it falls back to 60,000, and the dog dealer will kill both the long and short positions😂

We will continue to track the market, please keep an eye on #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC