Did you miss $DOGS ? Don't miss MoonBix! 🚀

🔸️Binance has officially announced the launch of its Telegram App 🥳

Earn by taking advantage of the new #Binance,🎮 Cost: FREE and only 5 minutes ⏳Dive into the airdrop guide 👇🧵

1 ➤ Introducing MoonbixBinance has launched a new tap-to-earn game called Moonbix. Fully backed by Binance, guaranteed rewards.💰🔥

2 ➤ Sign up for #Moonbix➔ Visit:👇


Click “Start”➔ Play the game➔ Accumulate points every day

3 ➤ Missions

• Go to the “Tasks” tab.

• Complete all missions.

• Earn 11500 points.

4 ➤ Connect to Binance

• Go to the “Binance” tab.

• Sign up to Binance:

• Download the app.

• Connect to the game.

5 ➤ Invite your friends

• Go to the “Friends” tab.

• Copy your referral link.

• Share with friends or in the comments.

Always DYOR 💡🌎

#MoonBix #MOONBİX #telegramMining #Telegram $BNB