Salute to the Cryptians! 🤖

Today we will discuss one of the most relevant topics - how not to become a victim of hackers if your phone has started to behave, to put it mildly, strangely. Yes, technology is our everything, but the attackers do not sleep! In this article, I will tell you about 10 signs that someone is trying to get into your smartphone. 📱💻

1. Unusual messages and calls 📲

Are you receiving SMS with verification codes, although you haven’t even tried to log in anywhere? It seems like someone on the other side of the screen is trying to do it for you! 🚨 If you see such things, be on guard and don’t tell anyone these codes!

2. The battery dies faster than you can say "charge" ⚡️

Is your battery suddenly melting before your eyes? This could mean that your phone is working for someone else instead of you. Hackers can use malware that runs in the background and sucks up energy faster than you do. Looks like it's time to check your device for viruses! 🦠🔋

3. Pop-ups: "Click here and learn the secret of millionaires" 💸

If your phone screen suddenly starts to delight you with pop-up windows offering strange apps or “super-profitable” promotions, then it’s time to think. Viruses often manifest themselves through such annoying ads. Don’t click, better do a “cleaning”! 🧼🚿

4. Weird apps? Who are you, Mr. X? 🤔

Be sure to check the list of applications on your phone. If you suddenly find something unfamiliar, someone has already installed it for you. Scared? A little. Delete without pity and scan your phone for threats. 🕵️‍♂️📱

5. The phone starts to "live its own life" 👾

Your phone reboots unexpectedly, apps close for no reason, or everything works intermittently? This is a clear sign that your system is infected with something. Time to act! 💣

6. Traffic flies into space 🚀

Data statistics are breaking records, but are you sure you haven't been watching Netflix in 4K or downloading all of YouTube? Your device may be leaking data to hackers. Check your apps and find out who's being generous with their traffic! 📡

7. Unexpected transactions 💸

Strange charges that you didn't make appeared on your bank account? Wow, this is no longer a joke! Check your phone security immediately and update all your passwords, because hackers seem to be playing on your field. 💳

8. Logout from accounts 🛑

If you are suddenly "kicked out" of social networks or other accounts, and you notice strange activity, then someone has already gotten into your account. Change your passwords and activate two-factor authentication! 🔑

9. Weird login notifications 👀

Have you started receiving notifications about logins from other devices or cities? Now is the time to suspect that your account is under threat. Protect your data as soon as possible! 🕶️

10. Applications appear "by themselves" 🧟‍♂️

Your phone suddenly decided to install programs on its own? This is not magic, but the work of hackers. Remove everything suspicious and run a full scan of the device!

How to protect yourself? 🛡️

Install an antivirus. Let it be your faithful protector!

Use complex passwords. It will be more difficult for hackers to get to your data.

Be careful with public Wi-Fi networks. Always turn on VPN in such places!

Update your devices. Regular updates eliminate vulnerabilities.


Regularly checking your phone for suspicious activity is your main defense. It is better to prevent a problem than to look for a solution later. After all, a smartphone is not just a phone, but a storage for our entire life. 💼

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