【Lotto Tips】Must-have skills for staking, about liquidity exchange. Today, I took the opportunity of Dodo's essay solicitation. DODO is also the main liquidity provider. I wrote some tips. I hope you will like it if you find it helpful.

I often encounter a scenario where when completing a wallet task, there are cross-chain, pledge, and packaging. I am being staking.

For example, in the recent Lido lottery, someone asked why it cost me $10 to make an account, but Brother Ji secretly made 3 accounts and only spent $6 in total.

To save money, you need to examine the liquidity of a certain coin to see if you can bypass the cross-chain and packaging stage and buy it directly from the liquidity pool.

As far as Lido's lottery task is concerned, the Eth mainnet pledge becomes stETH, and stETH packaging becomes wstETH. The loss in this process can be eliminated. wstETH has a liquidity pool and can be directly exchanged for wstETH on the same chain. The task does not require where wstETH comes from, so the amount of wstETH required for cross-chain after exchange can complete the task. The real loss is the cross-chain step, so my loss is only $2 or less.

In the previous Solv task, it is also true that you do not unstake SolvBTC and directly exchange it for USDT on the same chain. It is based on the SolvBTC/BTCB liquidity pool provided by DODO. Our SolvBTC is first exchanged for BTCB through the DODO pool, and then exchanged for USDT through Pancake's BTCB/USDT pool. The current wallet usually hides the path, and some wallets can be seen (the wallet in the picture).

Some people may ask, who provides the liquidity pool?

The liquidity pool is provided by the staking mining users, and the basic annualized rate and mining tokens are obtained. For example, the liquidity pool SolvBTC/BTCB is that the mining users deposit the idle SolvBTC and BTCB in proportion, and obtain about 4% APR and points. This APR comes from the exchange wear and tear fee of the wool-pulling people. The points are 14 points per knife per hour, and the points are exchanged for DODO tokens according to the proportion. This is the point mining.

I hope that the big guys will mine more with their spare money and provide the wool-pulling people with liquidity of various unpopular currencies. DODO has a Pegged Pool designed for stablecoins and LRT assets to ensure efficient and stable liquidity management, as well as a Private Pool designed for market makers.

DODO also has the DODOX super aggregator, a cross-chain trading platform, while providing liquidity pools.The Meme coin issuance and trading platform will also be launched.
