I just calculated that now, if you only need to hold 10 BNBs, you can get an average monthly income of 2,500 yuan if you buy low and sell high when the market drops or rises once or twice a year. Then, you can continue to buy BNB with the income every month. In this way, the annual income may be as high as 35,000 yuan, which is much better than your job as a screwdriver! So I made a decision that goes against my ancestors - to embrace Binance full-time! I am ready to realize my dream in Binance. The entire blockchain is booming, especially the meme sector. The best performing sector is @DODO . 1. DODO's product features: PMM (active market maker) algorithm improves capital efficiency and reduces impermanent loss. One-click coin issuance function simplifies token creation and lowers the issuance threshold. Anchor pools can create customized liquidity pools for assets. Autonomous mining supports flexible incentive mechanisms. 2. Meme sector explosion and traffic surge: DODO's multi-chain one-click coin issuance and the upcoming Meme platform make the issuance of Meme tokens more convenient, which may attract a large number of users and bring a surge in traffic. 3. Support for BTCFi and Meme Coin:

BTCFi: Anchor pools and autonomous mining help enhance liquidity and user participation.

Meme Coin: Rapid issuance and cross-chain circulation attract community participation.

4. Market value and potential for institutional support:

DODO has a low market value and is backed by top institutions, which provides it with greater room for growth, especially when the market is active. #DODO助力Meme发行